Our story

Discover Our Journey So Far

We are a non-profit organization that works on human development and the environment and the beneficiaries of our services are ( residents of Duhok, refugees, and immigrants).

Why Rojen was established:

Rojen was founded with a dual mission: to foster human development and to promote environmental sustainability. Understanding that mental well-being is a cornerstone of overall development, Rojen also offers psychological support services. By integrating environmental efforts with human development programs, Rojen aims to create sustainable and resilient communities where individuals can flourish both socially and psychologically.

Our holistic approach ensures that we address the root causes of issues while providing comprehensive support to enhance the quality of life for Duhok’s residents. Through our initiatives, we seek to create positive change and contribute to the long-term well-being of the city and its inhabitants, making Duhok a place where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

Our vision :

Empowered communities thrive in mental well-being, and environmental responsibility, where everyone reaches their full potential in a harmonious society.

Our mission:

  • Empower individuals and communities
  • Comprehensive human development
  • Promote mental health and well-being
  • Advance sustainable practices
  • Raise environmental awareness

Our values:

  • Humanity
  • Inclusivity
  • Sustainability
  • Equity
  • Community Engagement
  • Resilience
  • Innovation

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